Addressing Methods and Table Structures
Depending on the configuration, the router supports the Peripheral Device Addressing method and the Logical Unit Addressing method.
The data shown in Table 24 comes from the Fibre Channel Configuration Menu. The administrator enters the node number (number to the left of the colon in Table 24) and the router translates the node number into the corresponding AL_PA value (number to the right of the colon in Table 24).
Table 24: Arbitrated Loop
0:0x01 | 21:0x2E | 42:0x52 | 63:0x74 | 84:0xA6 | 105:0xC9 |
1:0x02 | 22:0x31 | 43:0x53 | 64:0x75 | 85:0xA7 | 106:0xCA |
2:0x04 | 23:0x32 | 44:0x54 | 65:0x76 | 86:0xA9 | 107:0xCB |
3:0x08 | 24:0x33 | 45:0x55 | 66:0x79 | 87:0xAA | 108:0xCC |
4:0x0F | 25:0x34 | 46:0x56 | 67:0x7A | 88:0xAB | 109:0xCD |
5:0x10 | 26:0x35 | 47:0x59 | 68:0x7C | 89:0xAC | 110:0xCE |
6:0x17 | 27:0x36 | 48:0x5A | 69:0x80 | 90:0xAD | 111:0xD1 |
7:0x18 | 28:0x39 | 49:0x5C | 70:0x81 | 91:0xAE | 112:0xD2 |
8:0x1B | 29:0x3A | 50:0x63 | 71:0x82 | 92:0xB1 | 113:0xD3 |
9:0x1D | 30:0x3C | 51:0x65 | 72:0x84 | 93:0xB2 | 114:0xD4 |
10:0x1E | 31:0x43 | 52:0x66 | 73:0x88 | 94:0xB3 | 115:0xD5 |
11:0x1F | 32:0x45 | 53:0x67 | 74:0x8F | 95:0xB4 | 116:0xD6 |
12:0x23 | 33:0x46 | 54:0x69 | 75:0x90 | 96:0xB5 | 117:0xD9 |
13:0x25 | 34:0x47 | 55:0x6A | 76:0x97 | 97:0xB6 | 118:0xDA |
14:0x26 | 35:0x49 | 56:0x6B | 77:0x98 | 98:0xB9 | 119:0xDC |
15:0x27 | 36:0x4A | 57:0x6C | 78:0x9B | 99:0xBA | 120:0xE0 |
16:0x29 | 37:0x4B | 58:0x6D | 79:0x9D | 100:0xBC | 121:0xE1 |
17:0x2A | 38:0x4C | 59:0x6E | 80:0x9E | 101:0xC3 | 122:0xE2 |
18:0x2B | 39:0x4D | 60:0x71 | 81:0x9F | 102:0xC5 | 123:0xE4 |
19:0x2C | 40:0x4E | 61:0x72 | 82:0xA3 | 103:0xC6 | 124:0xE8 |
20:0x2D | 41:0x51 | 62:0x73 | 83:0xA5 | 104:0xC7 | 125:0xEF |