Understanding the NetWare Client Software

The NetWare DOS Requester Architecture

Transport Protocol Layer

This layer is responsible for maintaining connections, providing packet transmissions between connections and performing other transport-specific functions.

The IPXNCP module uses the IPX™ protocol as a transport mechanism.

The AUTO.VLM module reconnects a client workstation to a server and rebuilds the workstation’s environment—excluding file-specific items—to its original state prior to losing connection.

Communication and Connection Management

The NetWare DOS Requester contains communication and connection management for controlling the NetWare client software.

VLM Manager

The VLM Manager (VLM.EXE) controls communication and memory issues between the individual VLM software programs. It is responsible for loading the required modules and disbursing requests to individual modules.

Therefore, instead of loading NETX, EMSNETX, XMSNETX, or BNETX, the user loads only the VLM.EXE program.

The VLM Manager decides whether a given VLM program uses expanded memory, extended memory, conventional memory, or any other memory type supported, without affecting the individual VLM programs.

Connection Table Manager

The Connection Table Manager (CONN.VLM) spans all the layers of the NetWare DOS Requester architecture.

CONN allows client workstations running the NetWare DOS Requester to establish a configurable number of connections with multiple NetWare servers.
