Before powering up the enclosure please ensure that all the modules are firmly seated in their correct bays.
3.1Power On
Caution Do not operate the subsystem until the ambient temperature is within the specified operating range. If the drives have been recently installed ensure they have had time to acclimatize before operating them.
Note Please refer to Section
Follow the procedure below to Power On the enclosure.
1Apply AC Mains power to the enclosure. Turn the Power Supply modules to ON.
2On the Ops Panel, the Audible Alarm beeps once, all LEDs flash for 7 seconds then the Alarm double beeps.
3All LEDs on the Ops Panel should be lit (Green) when the enclosure power is activated (and the disk drive motors should start).
Note All LEDs on the Ops Panel should be lit Green at power up to indicate that the system is functioning correctly. If any show Amber then a problem exists.
If mains power is lost for any reason, on restoration of power the enclosure will
IBM System Storage DCS9550 1S1 Storage Expansion Unit Installation, Service, and User Guide | 33 |