Intel® PXA26x Processor Family Developer’s Manual 7-7
Liquid Crystal Displa y Controller
Figure 7-2. Temporal Dithering Concept - Single Color
This dithering concept is applied separately to each color displa yed. Each color has zeros added to
make the data for each color 8 bits. If a monochrome display is used, only a single matrix (blue) is
The LCD controller implements this algorithm, which is used by TMED to deter mine an u pper and
lower boundary:
LowerBoundary = [(PixelValue * FrameNumber) mod 256] + Offset
UpperBoundary = [(PixelValue + LowerBoundary) mod 256]
A 16x16 matrix uses the row (line), column (pixel number) , and frame number (which wraps back
to 0 from 255) to select a matrix value. When the matrix value is between the lower and upper
boundaries from the algorithm, the LCD controller sends a “1” to the LCD panel. The boundaries
created by the algorithm are circular, wrapping from 255 ba ck to 0, as shown in Figure7-3.
Figure 7-3. Compare Range for TMED
Either of two matrices may be used for each color, chosen by bits 0, 1, and 14 of the TMED
Control Register (TCR) (refer to Section7.6.10). Offsets may be selected for the shading of each
color to avoid gray color problems. Although these offset values are panel dependent, the
recommended values are listed in Section7.6.9, “TMED RGB Seed Register”. The blue data path
is used for monochrome modes. Offsets may also be chos en in the TMED Control Register for
shifting the row value (ho r i z o ntal), line value (verti ca l ), and frame number.
Figure 7-4 shows the bl ock diagram for TMED. P ixel data (up to 8 bits ) enters the module a nd is
sent through the color value (CV) generator. Depending on the value of the TCR[TSCS] field, the
CV generator rounds off between 0 and 3 of the least-significant bits, creating a new CV. If the
original pixel value is 254 or 255, the final data output is set to one. Otherwise, this occurs:
Code Temp ora l
1 bit
8 bits
position position
(frame #)
192 64
(LB+PV) mod 256
LB=(PixelValue * Frame#) mod 256 + Offset