Redare disc MP3/WMA/AAC

Dispozitivul USB




• Mecanismul de citire lucrează mai greu

DoNu utilizaţinot usepreatoo manyulte hnivelurierarchicieralrhicelevelsşi directoareand folders. .

(Pe display se aprinde intermitent mesajul



The playback order is determined when the files are

• Piesele nu sunt redate în ordinea dorit de

Ordinea citirii se stabileşte în momentul înregistrării fişierelor.




Timpul de redare scurs nu este afişat corect. ThisAcestsometimeslucru se întâmplăoccursuneoriduringînplaybacktimpul redării. Thisşisdepindecauseddeby howordineatheîntrackscare pieseleare r cordedau fost înregistrateon the discpe. disc.

• Pe afişaj apare mesajul„Please Eject”

Introduceţi un disc care conţine piese MP3/WMA/AAC.

(Vă rugăm să ejectaţi).

Insert a disc that contains MP3/WMA/AAC tracks.


Pe afişaj apare mesajul„Not Support”SkipTreceţitolatheurmătoareanext trackpiencodedsă codatăinînanformatulappropriatecorespunzătorformat

(Nu este suportat) şi se trece peste piesă.

sau la următoare piesă în format WMA care nu este protejată


or to the next non-copy-protected WMA track.


împotriva copierii.

• Caracterele nu sunt afişate corect (de exemplu,

This unit can only display letters (capital: A – Z,

Acest aparat poate afişa numai litere (majuscule: A – Z,

denumirea albumului).

small: a – z), numbers, and a limited number of symbols

minuscule: a – z), numere şi un număr limitat de simbouri


s e

e 42).


(vezipagina 42).

Se produc zgomote.• Piesa redată nu este un fişier în formatul corect (MP3/WMA/

The track played back is not a playable file format

AAC/WAV). Treceţi la alt fişier.

(MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV). Skip to another file.

Nu adăugaţi extensia <.mp3>, <.wma>, <.m4a> sau

Do not add the extension code <.mp3>, <.wma>,

<.wav> pentru piesele care nu sunt în format MP3/WMA/

<.m4a>, or <.wav> to non-MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV



Piesele nu pot fi redate în ordinea dorită de Este posibil ca ordinea de redare să difere de cea stabilită la


redarea cu ajutorul altor playere.


Playback order may differs f om the one played back

Mesajul„Reading” apare intermitent pe afişaj. using• Timpulotherde playerscitire variază. în funcţie de tipul de dispozitiv USB.

Nu utilizaţi prea multe ierarhii, directoare şi directoare

Readout time varies depending on the USB device. goale*.

Do not use too many hierarchy, folders and empty

Opriţi şi porniţi din nou alimentarea cu energie.

Nufoldersscoateţi.* şi reconectaţi în mod repetat dispozitivul USB

cândTurn peoffafişajthe powerapare mesajulthen onReadiagain.g”.

* Directornot pugollsaoutcareor cconnectţine datthe, USBdar nudeviceîn formatrepeatedlyMP3/ WMA/AAC/WAVwhile “Reading”. is displayed on the display.

Pe afişaj apare mesajul„No File” (Niciun fişier). *ConectaţiFolder thatun dispozphistivcallyUSBemptycare conţineor folderpiesethatcodatecontainsîntr-un

Pe afişaj apare mesajul„NO USB” (Niciun USB). formatdatacorespunzătorbut does not .contain valid MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV

• Pe afişaj apare mesajul„Not Support” (Nu este

tr ck.

Piesa nu poate fi redată.

suportat) şi se trece peste piesă.

Connect a USB device that contains tracks encoded in an

• Pe afişaj apare mesajul„Read failed” (Citire

Dispozitivul USB conectat poate fi defect sau poate fi formatat


appropriate format.

incorect. Fişierele aflate pe dispozitivul USB sunt corupte.


The track is unplayable.

• “Read failed” appears on the display.

The connected USB device may be malfunctioning,


or may not have been formatted correctly. The files


included in the USB device are corrupted.


Page 46
Image 46
JVC KD-BT22 manual Remedies/Causes

KD-BT22 specifications

The JVC KD-BT22 is an advanced car receiver that combines modern technology with user-friendly features, making it an attractive option for anyone seeking to enhance their in-car audio experience. Designed for both convenience and performance, the KD-BT22 caters to a variety of audio preferences and connectivity needs.

One of the standout features of the KD-BT22 is its built-in Bluetooth capabilities. This technology allows for seamless wireless audio streaming from your smartphone or other Bluetooth-enabled devices. The convenience of hands-free calling is also a significant advantage, allowing drivers to stay connected without diverting their attention from the road. The Bluetooth pairing process is straightforward, ensuring that users can swiftly connect their devices for an uninterrupted listening experience.

The KD-BT22 boasts a user-friendly 13-digit LCD display, which provides clear visibility of track information, caller ID, and system settings. This design ensures that users can easily navigate through their music and manage calls without distractions. Additionally, the display is designed to be bright and easily readable, even in varying lighting conditions.

Audio performance is another highlight of the KD-BT22. The receiver supports multiple audio file formats, including MP3, WMA, and AAC, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of digital music libraries. The built-in 50 watts x 4 channel power output delivers robust sound quality, while a 3-band parametric equalizer allows users to customize their audio settings to their preferences. This level of customization ensures that whether you prefer deep bass, clear vocals, or balanced sound, the KD-BT22 can accommodate.

For those who prefer traditional media, the KD-BT22 is equipped with a USB port and an auxiliary input. The USB port supports playback of music files directly from USB drives, while the auxiliary input allows for connectivity to non-Bluetooth devices. This versatility ensures that users can access their music in the manner most convenient to them.

The JVC KD-BT22 also provides compatibility with various smartphone applications. For instance, it works well with apps like Spotify and Pandora, allowing users to access their favorite streaming services directly through the receiver. This feature further enhances the overall music experience, making it easier than ever to enjoy a personalized playlist.

In summary, the JVC KD-BT22 stands out in the competitive landscape of car receivers, combining essential features like Bluetooth connectivity, a clear display, customizable audio settings, and support for multiple media formats. Its user-friendly design and versatile compatibility make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to upgrade their car audio system.