AceThistunitaparatcannotnu poateassureasiguraproperfuncţionareafunctions or supply corespunzătoarepowerall typessauofalimentaUSB devicesorice .tip de dispozitiv USB.

BluetoothFuncţiile Bluetoothoperations

InformaţiiGeneral generale

În timp ce conduceţi, nu realizaţi operaţii complicate,

While driving, do not perform complicated operation precum formarea unor numere de telefon, folosirea such as dialing the numbers, using phone book, etc. agendei telefonice etc. Dacă doriţi să realizaţi aceste

When you perform these operations, stop your car in operaţiuni,safe placeopriţi. maşina într-un loc sigur.

ÎnSomefuncţieBluetoothde versiuneadevicesBluetoothmay nota dispozitivului,be connectedesteto posibilthis unitca uneldependingdispozitiveon theBluetoothsă nuversionfie conecof theate la

acestedeviceaparate. .

UneleSomeoperaţiunioperationsşi andinformaţiidisplayafişateinformationpot să difere,mayînbe

funcţiedifferentde accordingtelefonul conectatto the connected. phone.

This unit may not work for some Bluetooth devices.

Este posibil ca acest aparat să nu fie compatibil cu unele

Connecting condition may vary depending on the dispozitive Bluetooth.

circumstances around you.

Condiţiile de conectare pot varia, în funcţie de împrejurări.

When the unit is turned off, the device is

La oprirea aparatului, dispozitivul este deconectat. disconnected.

PictogrameIcons for phonepentrutypesdiferite tipuri de telefon

Aceste pictograme indică

AcestThese pictogrameicons indicateindicăthe

These icons indicate the

tipul de telefon setat pentru



phone type of number

tipultypedeof telefon/connecteddispozitivphone/

fiecare număr din agenda

entries in the Phonebook



audio devices

: Telefon mobil


Exclusiv telefon

: Telefon fix (acasă)







: Birou


Exclusiv dispozitiv

Audio only




: General

: AltOthertip decâtthan abovecele de mai sus

: Necunoscut

MesajeWarningde avertizaremessagespentrufor Bluetoothfuncţiile Bluetoothoperations

Connection Error (Eroare de conectare):

Connection Error:

dispozitivul este înregistrat, dar conexiunea nu a putut The device is registered but the connection has failed. fi realizată. Pentru reconectarea dispozitivului, utilizaţi Use “Connect” to connect the device again. (See funcţia„CONNECT”. (Vezi pagina 17.)

page 17.)


EfectuaţiTry the operationdin nou operaţiuneaagain. If “Error”. Dacă mesajulappears„Error”again,este afişat din nou, verificaţi dacă dispozitivul suportă funcţia check if the device supports the function you have respectivă.


Please Wait... (Vă rugăm aşteptaţi…)

Please Wait...

Aparatul se pregăteşte să utilizeze funcţia Bluetooth.

The unit is preparing to use the Bluetooth function. If

Dacă mesajul nu dispare, opriţi şi reporniţi aparatul, apoi the message does not disappear, turn off and turn on reconectaţi dispozitivul (sau resetaţi aparatul).

the unit, then connect the device again (or reset the

Please Reset... (Vă rugăm resetaţi ...) unit).

Resetaţi dispozitivul şi încercaţi din nou să realizaţi

operaţiuneaPlease Reset. Dacă... mesajul„Please Reset...” apare din nou,Resetconsultaţithe unitcelandmaitryapropiatthe operationdealer JVCagainIN-.CARIf

ENTERTAINMENT“Please Reset...” appears again, consult your nearest JVC IN-CAR ENTERTAINMENT dealers.


FuncţiaDABde recepţie în aşteptare a tipului de program favorit este compatibilă cu tunerul DAB numai cu un

PTY Standby Reception works for the DAB tuner only

Dynamic PTY şi nu a unui Static PTY.

using a Dynamic PTY, but not a Static PTY.

Doar serviciul primar DAB poate fi presetat, chiar dacă

Only the primary DAB service can be preset even memoraţi şi un al doilea serviciu.

when you store a secondary service.

Un serviciu DAB presetat va fi şters la memorarea unui nou

A previously preset DAB service is erased when a new serviciu DAB la acelaşi număr de presetare.

DAB service is stored in the same preset number.

























od controlabil (conectat prin....):

(A)ControllableKS-PD100:iPod (connected through....):



-(A)iPodKS-cuPD100:conector platformă (a treia generaţie)





cu buton circular (a patra generaţie)



–iPod with do k connector (3rd Generation)



- iPod nano (prima şi a doua generaţie*1



– iPod with click wheel (4th Generation)



- iPod mini (prima generaţie)1




– iPod nano (1st & 2nd* Generation)



- iPod video (a cincia generaţie)




– iPod mini (1st Generation)






iPod photo




– iPod video (5th Generation)



(B) Cablu USB:




– iPod photo




- iPod nano (prima şi a doua generaţie)



(B) USB cable:




- iPod video (a cincia generaţie)



– iPod nano (1st & 2nd Generation)



La conectarea iPod-ului nano la adaptorul de interfaţă,



– iPod video (5th Generation)





asiguraţi-vă că aţi deconectat căştile; în caz contrar,

*1 aparatulWhen youn vaconnectemite theniciuniPodsunetnano. to the interface


Nuadapter,este posibilăbe sureaccesareato disconnectfişierelorthevideoheadphones;din meniul




„Videos”otherwise,atâtanotimpsoundcâtisiPodheard-ul este. conectat la adaptorul


2 de interfaţă.




It s not possible to browse video files on the “Videos”

menu while the iPod is connected to the interface adapter.

Continuare pe pagina următoare



Page 43
Image 43
JVC KD-BT22 manual IPod, Connection Error, Please Wait

KD-BT22 specifications

The JVC KD-BT22 is an advanced car receiver that combines modern technology with user-friendly features, making it an attractive option for anyone seeking to enhance their in-car audio experience. Designed for both convenience and performance, the KD-BT22 caters to a variety of audio preferences and connectivity needs.

One of the standout features of the KD-BT22 is its built-in Bluetooth capabilities. This technology allows for seamless wireless audio streaming from your smartphone or other Bluetooth-enabled devices. The convenience of hands-free calling is also a significant advantage, allowing drivers to stay connected without diverting their attention from the road. The Bluetooth pairing process is straightforward, ensuring that users can swiftly connect their devices for an uninterrupted listening experience.

The KD-BT22 boasts a user-friendly 13-digit LCD display, which provides clear visibility of track information, caller ID, and system settings. This design ensures that users can easily navigate through their music and manage calls without distractions. Additionally, the display is designed to be bright and easily readable, even in varying lighting conditions.

Audio performance is another highlight of the KD-BT22. The receiver supports multiple audio file formats, including MP3, WMA, and AAC, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of digital music libraries. The built-in 50 watts x 4 channel power output delivers robust sound quality, while a 3-band parametric equalizer allows users to customize their audio settings to their preferences. This level of customization ensures that whether you prefer deep bass, clear vocals, or balanced sound, the KD-BT22 can accommodate.

For those who prefer traditional media, the KD-BT22 is equipped with a USB port and an auxiliary input. The USB port supports playback of music files directly from USB drives, while the auxiliary input allows for connectivity to non-Bluetooth devices. This versatility ensures that users can access their music in the manner most convenient to them.

The JVC KD-BT22 also provides compatibility with various smartphone applications. For instance, it works well with apps like Spotify and Pandora, allowing users to access their favorite streaming services directly through the receiver. This feature further enhances the overall music experience, making it easier than ever to enjoy a personalized playlist.

In summary, the JVC KD-BT22 stands out in the competitive landscape of car receivers, combining essential features like Bluetooth connectivity, a clear display, customizable audio settings, and support for multiple media formats. Its user-friendly design and versatile compatibility make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to upgrade their car audio system.