Creating configuration files
The Kodak Scan Station 100 Configuration Organizer allows you to create personal configuration files which contain personal scanning preferences. You can start the Configuration Organizer, make the necessary changes to destinations and settings and save it on your USB flash drive. There are two types of configuration files: Administrative and User. Administrative configuration files are created first by selecting File>Administrator. The main differences between a user and administrative configuration file are:
•Only user configuration files can define flash drive folders.
•Only administrative configuration files can define printers.
•Only administrative configuration files can be used to modify the default settings on a Scan Station.
After you create your personal configuration file, you can carry your preferred settings to a Scan Station, and use these settings for your scan session. To ensure appropriate security, the Scan Station will not read any program or file from a USB flash drive other than a valid, encrypted configuration file created by the Configuration Organizer.
Once a user configuration file has been created and stored on a USB flash drive, the flash drive can be taken to a Scan Station and inserted into the USB port. The Scan Station automatically recognizes the presence of the flash drive and loads the settings found in the configuration file. Because it is a “User” configuration file, you will not be asked or allowed to make any permanent changes to the Scan Station’s configuration. Instead, all of the your destinations will appear on the Scan Station’s display and will be merged with the default destination groups.
Your personal destinations will appear in the top toolbar in the same order as the Scan Station’s default groups, except that each of your personal groups will appear with a “User”
profile image as part of the icon background.
If your personal configuration contains changes to the Scan Station settings (all the values found in “Settings” mode), these settings temporarily replace the Scan Station’s default settings.
When a scan job is complete, your USB flash drive can be removed from the Scan Station and the Scan Station display returns to the normal state with all of the default settings restored.