Resend and Reset
At the end of scanning, the Processing Review screen will be displayed. In the lower left corner the Resend option will be available.
By clicking Resend the main screen will be displayed with all of your original settings still selected (destinations and scanner settings). You can change your destinations by checking and unchecking any destination and resend the previously scanned document without scanning it again. This is useful:
•when you forget to include a destination (e.g., email address) and want to resend the document without rescanning, or
•when you scan a large document that was OCR’ed and you do not want to wait for the entire OCR process again, which can be very
After closing the Processing Review screen at the end of a scan job, the following message will be displayed.
•If you select No, all of the scanner settings and destinations will remain and be ready for the next scan job.
•If you select Yes, all of your scanner settings and destinations for this scan job will be lost.