Appendix A Abbreviations
The following list contains abbreviations that may appear in this publication.
A, amp | ampere | CID | cubic inch displacement | FHM | flat head machine (screw) | ||||
ABDC | after bottom dead center | CL | centerline | fl. oz. | fluid ounce | ||||
AC | alternating current | cm | centimeter | flex. | flexible | ||||
A/D | analog to digital | CMOS | complementary metal oxide | freq. | frequency | ||||
ADC | advanced digital control; |
| substrate (semiconductor) | FS | full scale | ||||
| analog to digital converter | com | communications (port) | ft. | foot, feet | ||||
adj. | adjust, adjustment | coml | commercial | ft. lb. | foot pounds (torque) | ||||
ADV | advertising dimensional drawing | Coml/Rec | Commercial/Recreational | ft./min. | feet per minute | ||||
Ah | conn. | connection | ftp | file transfer protocol | |||||
AHWT | anticipatory high water | cont. | continued | g | gram | ||||
| temperature | CPVC | chlorinated polyvinyl chloride | ga. | gauge (meters, wire size) | ||||
AISI | American Iron and Steel Institute | crit. | critical | gal. | gallon | ||||
ALOP | anticipatory low oil pressure | CSA | Canadian Standards Association | gen. | generator | ||||
alt. | alternator | CT | current transformer | genset | generator set | ||||
Al | aluminum | Cu | copper | GFI | ground fault interrupter | ||||
ANSI | American National Standards | cUL | Canadian Underwriter’s | GND, |
| ground |
| |||||||||
| ||||||
| Institute (formerly American |
| Laboratories | gov. | governor | ||||
| Standards Association, ASA) | CUL | Canadian Underwriter’s | gph | gallons per hour | ||||
AO | anticipatory only |
| Laboratories | gpm | gallons per minute | ||||
APDC | Air Pollution Control District | cu. in. | cubic inch | gr. | grade, gross | ||||
API | American Petroleum Institute | cw. | clockwise | GRD | equipment ground | ||||
approx. | approximate, approximately | CWC | city | gr. wt. | gross weight | ||||
APU | Auxiliary Power Unit | cyl. | cylinder | H x W x D | height by width by depth | ||||
AQMD | Air Quality Management District | D/A | digital to analog | HC | hex cap | ||||
AR | as required, as requested | DAC | digital to analog converter | HCHT | high cylinder head temperature | ||||
AS | as supplied, as stated, as | dB | decibel | HD | heavy duty | ||||
| suggested | dB(A) | decibel (A weighted) | HET | high exhaust temp., high engine | ||||
ASE | American Society of Engineers | DC | direct current |
| temp. |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical | DCR | direct current resistance | hex | hexagon | ||||
| Engineers | deg., ° | degree | Hg | mercury (element) | ||||
assy. | assembly | dept. | department | HH | hex head | ||||
ASTM | American Society for Testing | dia. | diameter | HHC | hex head cap | ||||
| Materials | DI/EO | dual inlet/end outlet | HP | horsepower | ||||
ATDC | after top dead center | DIN | Deutsches Institut fur Normung | hr. | hour | ||||
ATS | automatic transfer switch |
| e. V. (also Deutsche Industrie | HS | heat shrink | ||||
auto. | automatic |
| Normenausschuss) | hsg. | housing | ||||
aux. | auxiliary | DIP | dual inline package | HVAC | heating, ventilation, and air | ||||
avg. | average | DPDT |
| conditioning | |
AVR | automatic voltage regulator | DPST | HWT | high water temperature | |||||
AWG | American Wire Gauge | DS | disconnect switch | Hz | hertz (cycles per second) | ||||
AWM | appliance wiring material | DVR | digital voltage regulator | IBC | International Building Code | ||||
bat. | battery | E2PROM, EEPROM | IC | integrated circuit | |||||
BBDC | before bottom dead center |
| ID | inside diameter, identification | |||||
BC | battery charger, battery charging |
| programmable | IEC | International Electrotechnical | ||||
BCA | battery charging alternator |
| memory |
| Commission |
BCI | Battery Council International | E, emer. | emergency (power source) | IEEE | Institute of Electrical and | ||||
BDC | before dead center | ECM | electronic control module, |
| Electronics Engineers |
BHP | brake horsepower |
| engine control module | IMS | mproved motor starting | ||||
blk. | black (paint color), block | EDI | electronic data interchange | in. | inch | ||||
| (engine) | EFR | emergency frequency relay | in. H2O | inches of water | ||||
blk. htr. | block heater | e.g. | for example (exempli gratia) | in. Hg | inches of mercury | ||||
BMEP | brake mean effective pressure | EG | electronic governor | in. lb. | inch pounds | ||||
bps | bits per second | EGSA | Electrical Generating Systems | Inc. | incorporated | ||||
br. | brass |
| Association | ind. | industrial | ||||
BTDC | before top dead center | EIA | Electronic Industries Association | int. | internal | ||||
Btu | British thermal unit | EI/EO | end inlet/end outlet | int./ext. | internal/external | ||||
Btu/min. | British thermal units per minute | EMI | electromagnetic interference | I/O | input/output | ||||
C | Celsius, centigrade | emiss. | emission | IP | internet protocol | ||||
cal. | calorie | eng. | engine | ISO | International Organization for | ||||
CAN | controller area network | EPA | Environmental Protection |
| Standardization |
CARB | California Air Resources Board |
| Agency | J | joule | ||||
CAT5 | Category 5 (network cable) | EPS | emergency power system | JIS | Japanese Industry Standard | ||||
CB | circuit breaker | ER | emergency relay | k | kilo (1000) | ||||
CC | crank cycle | ES | engineering special, engineered | K | kelvin | ||||
cc | cubic centimeter |
| special | kA | kiloampere | ||||
CCA | cold cranking amps | ESD | electrostatic discharge | KB | kilobyte (210 bytes) | ||||
ccw. | counterclockwise | est. | estimated | KBus | Kohler communication protocol | ||||
CEC | Canadian Electrical Code | emergency stop | kg | kilogram | |||||
cert. | certificate, certification, certified | etc. | et cetera (and so forth) | kg/cm2 | kilograms per square centimeter | ||||
cfh | cubic feet per hour | exh. | exhaust | kgm | |||||
cfm | cubic feet per minute | ext. | external | kg/m3 | kilograms per cubic meter | ||||
CG | center of gravity | F | Fahrenheit, female | kHz | kilohertz | ||||
1/13 |
| Appendix 55 |