| 12: Troubleshooting |
| Problem/Message | Reason | Solution |
| When you Telnet to port 1 to | You may have entered | Confirm that the Ethernet |
| assign an IP address to the | the Ethernet address | address that you entered with |
| device server, the Telnet | incorrectly with the ARP | the ARP command is correct. |
| window does not respond for a | command. | The Ethernet address may only |
| long time. |
| include numbers |
| |
| Unix, the segments of the |
| Ethernet address are |
| separated by dashes. In some |
| forms of Unix, the Ethernet |
| address is segmented with |
| colons. |
| The IP address you are | Confirm that your PC has an IP |
| trying to assign is not on | address and that it is in the |
| your logical subnet. | same logical subnet that you |
| are trying to assign to the |
| device server. |
| The device server may | Make sure that the Link LED is |
| not be plugged into the | lit. If the Link LED is not lit, then |
| network properly. | the device server is not |
| properly plugged into the |
| network. |
| When you try to assign an IP | The cause is most likely |
| |
| with DeviceInstaller, you get | one of the following: | that you specified. |
| the following : |
| Note: You cannot assign an IP |
| The hardware address | address to a device server |
| "No response from device! | you specified is incorrect. | through a router. |
| Verify the IP, Hardware |
| Address and Network Class. | The IP address you are |
| Please try again." | trying to assign is not a |
| valid IP for your logical |
| subnet. |
| You did not choose the |
| correct subnet mask. |
| The device server is not | The most likely reason is | The serial settings for the serial |
| communicating with the serial | the wrong serial settings | device and the device server |
| device to which it is attached. | were chosen. | must match. The default serial |
| settings for the device server |
| are |
| character bits, no parity, 1 stop |
| bit, no flow control. |
| When you try to enter the setup | The issue is most likely |
| |
| mode on the device server | something covered in the | problem above. Confirm that |
| using the serial port, you get no | previous problem, or | Caps Lock is not on. |
| response. | possibly, you have Caps |
| Lock on. |
xPico User Guide | 74 |