one size to another 24 to 22
copy quality adjusting 26
copy screens 22 copy tray selection 25 copying 21
duplexing 26 enlarging 26 letterhead 24 multipurpose feeder 25 reducing 26 transparencies 24
create booklet 23 custom job 28
date stamp 23 Device Lockout PIN
locking the MFP 92 setting 92 unlocking the MFP 92
Dial Pause button 10 disabling
ports 95 protocols 95 SNMPv1 94 SNMPv2 94
down arrow button 16 Driver to Fax
disabling 92 duplex 23
advanced 23 duplex copying 26
edge erase 23 edition notice 2
electrical emission statement 102 email
address book 30 addresses 30 canceling 33 color documents 32 file reduction 34, 44 file types 32 message 31 options 33 quality 34, 44 resolution 34, 44 scanning 30 shortcut creation 32 shortcuts 30 subject line 31
to a profile 30 Embedded Web Server
setting security 93 using secured 94 emission statement 102
enlarging 26 envelope sizes
7 3/4 (Monarch) 64 envelopes
guidelines 69 erase edge 23
address book 37 from a computer
computer faxing 37 sending 36 shortcuts 37
FCC statement 102 file types
email 32
Function Access, restricting 91
print media 67
hard disk encryption 97 wiping 98
held jobs confidential jobs 53
entering a PIN 53 Home button 18 Home screen 11
buttons 11 home screen
status message bar 11
indicator light 9
Internet Protocol Security 95
jams |
avoiding | 72 |
clearing | 85 |
job 28
job build 28
labels guidelines 70
LCD brightness 89 LCD contrast 89