Loading a Project
1. Select the [Galileo Unit] > Project page.
2. Choose:
EnableLoad Galileo Settings if you want the control values that were saved with the
projectto be loaded.
Clear Load Galileo Settings if you want to retainthe control values currently in use.
3. In the CurrentProject box, click Open.
Afile selection window will be displayed, through which you can select a project file. Project
file names have the form [file name].galileoProject.
The snapshot library saved with the projectwill replace the library that was previously loaded.
If this is not the desiredbehaviour, see Merging Projects (p. 66), below.
Merging Projects
Snapshot libraries may be combined by mergingtheir projects.
1. Select the [Galileo Unit] > Project page.
2. In the CurrentProject box, click More.
An extra set of controlswill now be shown.
3. SelectMerge Project. A file selection window will be displayed, through which you can
choose the projectfile that is to be merged with the current project.
The snapshots in the mergingproject will be appended to the end of the library list. Other
aspects of the mergingproject (Galileo settings, user interface settings) will not be merged.
Creating Project Backups
1. Select the [Galileo Unit] > Project page.
2. In the CurrentProject box, click More.