CDM-570/570L Satellite Modem with Optional IP Module Revision 4
Introduction MN/CDM570L.IOM
Enhancements for IP Module:
- Supports Supernetting of IP Addresses.
- Supports upgrading Base Modem Firmware through IP Module. Allow FTP
through IP Module to identified image (1, 2 or inactive image).
- Retains Traffic IP Address across Base Modem Firmware upgrade.
Enhancements for Vipersat support (not applicable for non-Vipersat systems).
1.5.2 Release
Allows Telnet connection when modem is in Serial Remote mode. This enables
modems in redundancy system to be monitored and controlled through Telnet. For
the best performance of the entire modem functionality, it is recommended that the
speed of command polling from Telnet is no faster than one command per second.