CDM-570/570L Satellite Modem with Optional IP Module Revision 4
IP Module Ethernet Interface Overview MN/CDM570L.IOM
The following table can be used as a reference for some well known Port numbers:
Port Description Port Description
1 TCP Port Service Multiplexer (TCPMUX) 118 SQL Services
7 ECHO 119 Newsgroup (NNTP)
20 FTP - Data 137 NetBIOS Name Service
21 FTP - Control 139 NetBIOS Datagram Service
22 SSH Remote Login Protocol 150 NetBIOS Session Service
23 Telnet 156 SQL Server
25 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 161 SNMP
42 Host Name Server (Names erv) 179 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
53 Domain Name System (DNS) 190 Gateway Access Control Protocol (GACP)
69 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) 197 Directory Location Service (DLS)
70 Gopher Services 396 Novell Netware over IP
108 SNA Gateway Access Server 444 Simple Network Paging Protocol (S NPP)
109 POP2 546 DHCP Client
110 POP3 547 DHCP Server
115 Simple File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) 1080 Socks
Once the QoS Rules are defined, each type of traffic flow
should be isolated and sent to verify that it is being sent in
the intended QoS Rule. Minimum/Maximum Bandwidth QoS Mode

QoS Rules can be assigned to up to 32 different types of flows to be defined by the user.
Flows can be defined by any combination of Protocol (FTP, UDP, RTP, etc.),
Source/Destination IP (specific or range), and/or Layer 3 Source/Destination Port.