CDM-570/570L Satellite Modem with Optional IP Module Revision 4
IP Module - CLI and Telnet Operation MN/CDM570L.IOM

17.2.9 Operations and Mainte na nc e Page

The Operations and Maintenance page is activated from the Main Menu page.

The Operations and Maintenance page contains the following options/fields:

Menu Options/Fields Entry Description
Unit Uptime Read
Only Time in days, hours, mins and secs since the last time
the IP module was rebooted.
Unit Information I Displays unit current operational Software information.
IP Module Boot From B Determines which version of the IP Module software
package (includes Applicat ion, FPGA, and FFPGA) will
be loaded upon boot-up. The possible options are:
0. Latest - boot the newest software package based
upon date.
1. Image1 - boot the software package loaded into the
first slot in permanent storage.
2. Image2 - boot the software package loaded into the
second slot in permanent storage.
Base Modem Boot From A Determines which version of the Base modem firmware
will be loaded upon boot-up. The possible options are:
0. Latest - boot the newest software package based
upon date.
1. Image1 - boot the software package loaded into the
first slot in permanent storage.
2. Image2 - boot the software package loaded into the
second slot in permanent storage.