CDM-570/570L Satellite Modem with Optional IP Module Revision 4
Appendix C MN/CDM570L.IOM

C.2.2 View currently installed feat ures

To view the currently installed features, proceed as follows:
a. From the main menu, select Util, then FAST, then View, then ENTER.
b. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the Modem Options and note
which are ‘Installed’ or ‘Not Installed’. Any that are ‘Not Installed’ may be
purchased as a FAST upgrade.
Contact a Comtech EF Data sales representative to order features. You will be asked
to provide the Modem Serial Number. Comtech EF Data Customer Support
personnel will verify the order and provide an invoice and instructions, including a
20-character configuration code.
View Options: 09 ( )
5000 kbps Not Installed

C.2.3 Enter Access Codes

Enter the access codes as follows:
a. Press CLEAR to return to the menu.
c. Select Cnfg, then press ENTER. Use the arrow keys to move the
cursor to Edit Code.

FAST Configuration:

Edit Code Demo Mode
d. Press ENTER.

Edit 20 digit FAST Code:

00000000000000000000 ENT
e. Enter the code carefully. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to each
character. Use the arrow keys to edit the character, then press ENTER.
The modem will respond with “Configured Successfully” if the new FAST
option has been accepted as shown below.

Configured Successfully

If, on the other hand, the FAST code is rejected, the following menu will be