CDM-570/570L Satellite Modem with Optional IP Module Revision 4
Appendix D MN/CDM570L.IOM
Note: Any CDM-IP configuration chang es ne ed to be saved to permanent storage by selecting [S]
from any menu screen and then typing [y] to save.

D.1.6 Restoring Factory Default Configuration

The following sections in this guide assume that the CDM-IP is still in factory default
configuration for IP. If that’ is not the case, the factory default configuration can be
restored from the menu:
Step Description
1 From the Main Menu, select Opera tion s and Mainte nance sub-m enu [O].
2 From the Operations and Maintenanc e menu, sel ect Database Operations sub-menu
3 From the Database Operations menu, select Restore Factory Default o ption [ R].
4 Confirm when prompted by typing ‘yes’ when the following prompt is displayed:
Are you sure you want to restore factory default settings?
WARNING: Choosing Yes will restore factory defaults and then
This will erase any user configuration and restore the CDM-IP to factory default
configuration. Proceed to Section D.2 to perform the easyConnect Mode configuration
or to Section D.3 to perform the Router Mode configuration.