CDM-570/570L Satellite Modem with Optional IP Module Revision 4
Summary of Specifications

12.2 Demodulator

Data rate range, operating modes, de-scrambling, input impedance/return loss etc., as per


Input power range Desired Carrier, CDM-570L: -130 + 10 log(Symbol Rate) to -90 + 10 log(Symbol Rate)
Desired Carrier, CDM-570: -30 to -60 dBm
+35 dBc maximum composite, up to -5 dBm, absolute max.
FEC Viterbi: 3 bit soft decision
Trellis: Pragmatic TCM/8-PSK with closed network concatenated Reed-Solomon
Reed-Solomon (Closed Network): Proprietary
Turbo Product Codec: 4 bit soft decision, proprietary
Acquisition range ±1 to ±32 kHz, programmable in 1 kHz increments, for symbol rates below 625 ksymbols/sec
±1 to ±200 kHz, 1 kHz increments, for symbol rates above 625 ksymbols/sec, CDM-570L only
Acquisition time Highly dependent on data rate, FEC rate, and demodulator acquisition range. Examples: 120 ms
average at 64 kbps, R1/2 QPSK, ±10 kHz acquisition sweep range, 6dB Eb/No
3.5 s average at 9.6 kbps, R1/2 QPSK, ±10 kHz, 6dB Eb/No
Note: Reed-Solomon and TPC increases acquisition time, due to the additional time taken for the
RS/TPC decoder to declare synchronization.
Clock tracking range ± 100 ppm min
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
IESS 308/309
IESS 308/309
CDM-570L Modulator
typically < -50 dB, and
guaranteed to be
< -45 dB at offsets
> 0.75 Rs

Comtech EF Data

CDM-570L Transmit

Power Spectral Density,

referred to symbol rate

Sy m bol Rate, Rs