CDM-570/570L Satellite Modem with Optional IP Module Revision 4
IP Module - CLI and Telnet Operation MN/CDM570L.IOM QoS Configuration Page – Max/Priority Mode

The QoS Rules Configuration page is activated from the QoS Configuration page.
The QoS Rules Configuration page contains the following options/fields when in Max/Pri
Menu Options/Fields Entry Description
Rule 01 – 08 (32)
(The 8 current ly displayed
QoS Rules, up to 32 can be
By selecting a QoS Rule,
the user will be asked to
define the following:
1 - 08 Max/Pri QoS can be assigned to up to
32 different types of flows to be defined
by the user. Flows can be defined by
any combination of Protocol (FTP, UDP,
RTP, etc.), Source/Destination IP
(specific or range), and/or Layer 3
Source/Destination Port.