Chapter 4. PHYSICAL


4.1 Introduction

The CDM-570/570L is constructed as a 1U high rack-mounting chassis, which can be
free-standing, if desired. Rack handles at the front facilitate removal from and placement
into a rack. Figure 4-1 shows the front panel of the modem.
Figure 4-1. Front Panel

4.2 Front Panel

On the front panel of the unit is the Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD), keypad, and
eight LED indicators. The user enters data via the keypad, and messages are displayed on
the VFD. The LEDs indicate, in a summary fashion, the status of the unit.
The Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) is an active display showing 2 lines, each of 24
characters. It produces a blue light, the brightness of which can be controlled by the user.
It has greatly superior viewing characteristics compared to a Liquid Crystal Display
(LCD), and does not suffer problems of viewing angle or contrast.