CDM-570/570L Satellite Modem with Optional IP Module Revision 4
IP Module - CLI and Telnet Operation MN/CDM570L.IOM

NOTE: The full Event log file can be retrieved by FTP. Use Admin login and type

command ‘get eventlog’. The entire Event log can then be viewed with a text viewer.

54 Information 05/21/2004 10:12:04 C:/Comtech/ftp/ftpCallbacks.c
1041 FTP FTP Connected - 'User: comtech' logged in
53 Information 05/21/2004 09:07:40 C:/Comtech/cimmib/cimMib.c
520 Database Set system clock to FRI MAY 21 09:07:40 2004
52 Information Unknown Unknown C:/Comtech/startup/usrAppInit.c
534 Boot Configuring router using PARAM file
51 Information Unknown Unknown C:/Comtech/startup/usrAppInit.c
364 Boot Detected Framer Module II.
50 Info
mation 05/21/2004 08:57:42 C:/Comtech/cimmib/cimMib.c
520 Database Set system clock to FRI MAY 21 08:57:42 2004
49 Information Unknown Unknown C:/Comtech/startup/usrAppInit.c
534 Boot Configuring router using PARAM file
48 Information Unknown Unknown C:/Comtech/startup/usrAppInit.c
364 Boot Detected Framer Module II.
47 Information 05/21/2004 08:13:02 C:/Comtech/ftp/ftpCallbacks.c
180 FTP Disconnected FTP
46 Information 05/21/2004 07:58:06 C:/Comtech/ftp/ftpCallbacks.c
540 FTP FTP Transfer complete
45 Information 05/21/2004 07:58:04 C:/Comtech/ftp/ftpCallbacks.c
863 FTP Image has been saved to FLASH
44 Information 05/21/2004 07:57:40
1041 FTP FTP Connected - 'User: comtech' logged in
43 Information 05/21/2004 06:55:14 C:/Comtech/telnetd/telnetd.c
421 Telnet Telnet disconnected
42 Information 05/21/2004 06:54:26 C:/Comtech/telnetd/telnetd.c
385 Telnet Connected host
41 Information 05/21/2004 06:38:02 C:/Comtech/ftp/ftpCallbacks.c
180 FTP Disconnected FTP
40 Information 05/21/2004 06:23:07 C:/Comtech/ftp/ftpCallbacks.c
540 FTP FTP Transfer complete
39 Information 05/21/2004 06:23:06 C:/Comtech/ftp/ftpCallbacks.c
863 FTP Image has been saved to FLASH
38 Information 05/21/2004 06:22:43 C:/Comtech/ftp/ftpCallbacks.c
1041 FTP FTP Connected - 'User: comtech' logged in