CDM-570/570L Satellite Modem with Optional IP Module Revision 4
IP Module Ethernet Interface Overview MN/CDM570L.IOM
1. Having a Protocol defined.
Protocol Priority:
a. VOCE Voice Real Time Protocol
b. VDEO Video Real Time Protocol
c. RTPS Real Time Protocol Signaling
d. RTP All Real Time Protocol
e. FTP File Transfer Protocol
f. HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
g. TELN Telnet Protocol
h. SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
i. SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
j. SQL Structured Query Language Protocol
k. ORCL ORACLE Protocol
l. CTRX CITRIX Protocol
m. SAP Service Announcement Protocol
n. UDP User Datagram Protocol
o. TCP Transmission Control Protocol
p. ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
q. IP All Internet Protocol
r. N-IP All Non-Internet Protocol
2. Source IP Address or subnet defined.
3. Destination IP Address or subnet defined.
4. Source Port defined (lowest Port number first).
5. Destination Port defined (lowest Port number first).
The IP Module will sort each QoS rule as they are added and the QoS Configuration
display will be updated to reflect the order with which rules are matched.
QoS Statistics - Every QoS Rule defined can be monitored to see the traffic flow for
each Queue. These statistics will display the traffic sent in each Queue, the amount of
dropped traffic, and the number of Active Flows.
Protocol and Port Number Considerations - When defining QoS Rules, it is important
to be aware of specifics of the traffic for which the rule is intended.
When selecting a protocol for a QoS Rule, be aware that the IP Module allows for a very
broad selection (such as IP) or a very specific protocol. For example, RTP traffic can
consist of UDP portion (for voice or video) and a TCP portion (for RTP signaling). These
could have separate QoS Rules created or all be included in a single Rule by selecting
RTP as the protocol. The following diagram illustrates where each protocol selection