CDM-570/570L Satellite Modem with Optional IP Module Revision 4
Typical IP Module Operation Setups MN/CDM570L.IOM

16.3 IP Module Working Modes

Two Working Modes of the IP Module are available: easyConnect and Router Mode.
There are also three HDLC Addressing Modes: Point-to-Point, Small Network, and Large
Network. Separate HDLC Modes allows the user to minimize the HDLC overhead
transmitted over the satellite based upon the size of their network. In Router/Point-to-
Point Mode, no HDLC address is transmitted; Router/Small Network transmits 1 byte
and Router/Large Network transmits 2 bytes as part of HDLC header for each packet.
Non-IP traffic is not supported in Router Mode.
This section describes the functionality of these modes in order to optimize the
Comtech EF Data IP modems in the network, based upon Network Topology and
Ethernet Traffic requirements.
The Working Mode and HDLC Address Mode of the Comtech EF Data IP mode ms
must be identical to pass traffic between modem s.
Changing the Working Mo de or HDLC address Mode of the IP modem requires the IP
Module to be rebooted. Before the user can select a different mode, the IP Module
will notify the user that changing the mode will require a reboot.
Working Mode
HDLC Address Mode Network Topology Ethernet Traffic
easyConnect Mode
Point-to-Point only
Both sites on same LAN subnet
IP v4 and/or non-IP
Router Mode
Point-to-Point only
Both sites on different LAN subnet
IP v4 only
Router Mode
Small Network
Point-to-Point or Point-to-Multipoint
(up to 254 sites)
All sites on different LAN subnet
IP v4 only
Router Mode
Large Network
Point-to-Point or Point-to-Multipoint
(up to 32766 sites)
All sites on different LAN subnet
IP v4 only