CDM570/570L Satellite Modem MN/CDM570L.AA4
Incorporate NMCS Protocol
Page 11 of 54 MN/CDM570L.AA4 Argument lists

In order to enforce atomic reads and writes and well as allow for checking related
parameter for validity, multi-argument lists will have the following format:
Arguments are positioned in fixed length format (see specification for each
‘|’ Is used to separate different argument values from each other.

3.3.7 End Of Packet

Controller to Target: This is the ‘Carriage Return’ character (ASCII code 13).
Target to Controller: This is the two-character sequence ‘Carriage Return’, ‘Line Feed’. (ASCII
code 13, and code 10.)
Both indicate the valid termination of a command.

3.4 Modem Commands

Unless otherwise specifically called out in the IP Commands section, the remaining commands
are provided as part of the base modem command set and are defined in the CDM-570L modem