CDM570/570L Satellite Modem
Incorporate NMCS Protocol MN/CDM570L.AA4
Page 4 of 54 MN/CDM570L.AA4

1.0 Introduction

The scope of this document is to define the interface specification that will be used for a new
Remote Control based interface to the CDM/CDD family of products. The primary interface is to
be Telnet, however other interfaces may adapt to the CIM implementation, programmatically, via
specific API calls.

2.0 Architecture

The Remote NMCS attaches to an external interface, such as Telnet, and processes basic text
based commands to the CiM database manager. The database manager is responsible for
resolving GET and SET actions to Local and Remote objects. (See Figure 1.)
Text Command Database
Get/Set Get/Set
Basic Architecture Layout
Figure 1. Architecture