CDM-570/570L Satellite Modem with Optional IP Module Revision 4
Web Server Pages MN/CDM570L.IOM

18.2.3 Support

Notes on SMTP – SMTP can be used to send an email to Comtech EF Data IP Modem
Support from the Support Web Page. The Support
Web Page allows you to compose an email message for questions or problems with the
IP Module. The user can also select to automatically attach the IP Module parameter
file (which will contain the modem’s serial number and configuration information) in
order to facilitate troubleshooting or to resolve configuration issues. The problem report
area of the display allows up to 2,000 characters maximum.
The IP Module uses SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) to send email and will
require the modem’s administrator to specify the SMTP server, domain name and
destination name on the Administration Screen for SMTP to operate correctly (see
Section for details on Administration SMTP Configuration).