Motorola, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this manual and specifically dis- claims any warranties, express or implied, of merchantability or fitness for any specific purpose. Further, Motorola, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make any modifications to its content, at any time, without obligation to notify any party, person, or entity of such revisions or changes.
© 1999 by Motorola, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Personal Communications Sector
1500 Gateway Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL
Printed in the United States of America 4/99
T, Motorola, PageWriter, PC Partner, and FLEX are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM. Off.
Contents |
Welcome | 1 |
Using This Manual | 3 |
Conventions | 3 |
Finding Help | 4 |
Getting Started | 5 |
What’s in the Box? | 5 |
Paging Service Instructions | 5 |
How Your PageWriter 2000X Pager Works | 6 |
The Flip | 6 |
The Home Screen | 6 |
The Keyboard | 9 |
The Battery and Charger | 12 |
The Infrared Port | 17 |
The Holster | 18 |
System Setup | 19 |
Turning On and Off Your PageWriter 2000X Pager | 19 |
Configuring Your PageWriter 2000X Pager | 23 |
Setting the Date and Time | 24 |
Assigning Alert Modes | 25 |
Assigning Alert Types | 26 |
Addresses | 27 |
Entering Addresses | 27 |
Editing Addresses | 29 |
Deleting Addresses | 30 |
Write | 31 |
Writing Messages | 31 |
Importing Messages | 32 |
Adding Quick Text | 33 |
Attaching Message Replies | 33 |
Saving Your Message to the Drafts Inbox | 33 |
Scheduling a Delayed Send | 34 |
Filing a Message Draft | 34 |
Entering a | 35 |
Read | 36 |
Reading Incoming Messages | 36 |
Setting a Reminder Message Alarm | 37 |
Sending Responses | 37 |
Forwarding Messages | 38 |
Filing Messages | 39 |
Deleting Messages | 39 |
Contents | iii |