To open an Address Book file on your PC:

1.On your PC, open the FLEX PC Partner Shell, then double-click

Address Book.

2.Click , or from the File menu, click Open.

3.Select the Address Book (.ADR) file you want to open, then click Open. Once the desired Address Book file is open, you can add, edit, or delete address entries or group entries.

To merge two Address Book files on your PC:

1.On your PC, open the FLEX PC Partner Shell, then double-click

Address Book.

2.Click, or from the File menu, click Open.

3.Select the Address Book (.ADR) file you want to open, then click Open.

TIP The second Address Book file you select will merge into the first Address Book file. You might want to save a copy of the first file prior to performing the merge.

ÄThe Import/Merge command does not merge Address Book groups.

4.From the File menu, click Import/Merge.

5.Select or type the name of the second Address Book file to be merged, then click Open.

6.Click , or from the File menu, click Save.

To import Address Books from other PC-based applications:

1.On your PC, open the FLEX PC Partner Shell, then double-click

Address Book.

2.From the File menu, click Import/Merge.

ÄThis menu command merges files into the currently open Ad- dress Book file.

3.Select or type the name of the file to be merged into the Address Book, then click Open.

62 PageWriter 2000X User’s Guide

ÄThe Import/Merge command does not merge Address Book groups.

TIP Import/Merge supports .CSV, .VCF, and .ADR files for merg-

ing. You may import files that are of the same format as those created by the Export command on the File menu. You can edit the file with any editor to create the comma delim- ited file. There are database and spreadsheet programs that use comma-delimited text and will make the job easier should you have many addresses to convert The format of a comma delimited text file is shown below.

"PersonName","PagerType","PagerPIN","Fax","Home- Phone","WorkPhone","Email","Notes"

For example:

"John","SkyTel Two Way","7388281","","","", "smith@5617383281","",

Note that fields that you don't have information for may be skipped by adding "",. After your address book data has been converted into this format, use the Partner Address Book and select File/ImportMerge and navigate to the .csv file that you created, and select it. The file will be opened and displayed in the Partner Address Book application.

4. Click , or from the File menu, click Save.

To delete an Address Book file from your PC:

From Windows Explorer or File Manager, highlight the .ADR file you want to delete, then press D.

Managing Addresses of Individuals

Use the Individual menu on the Address Book main screen to add, edit, or delete individuals.

ÄYour pager does not need to be connected to your PC to perform the following procedures.

ÄRemember! Performing the following procedures affects only the Address Book on your PC. To update the Address Book on your pager, see “Transferring Address Book Information” on page 58.

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Motorola 2000X quick start To open an Address Book file on your PC, To merge two Address Book files on your PC