How Your PageWriter 2000X Pager Works
The PageWriter 2000X
The keyboard provides text entry capabilities that allow you to send full text messages. All this is combined with the ability to add applications, upgrade current applications, and, with the infrared interface in the Motorola Deluxe model, upload and download information to and from your computer.
TIP The PageWriter 2000X
The Flip
The front flip on the PageWriter 2000X
The Home Screen
Date & Time
Transmission |
| Status Icons |
Status |
| |
The Home screen’s menu wheel provides quick access to both pre- loaded applications and those you add yourself.
6 PageWriter 2000X User’s Guide
Press the NavDiscTM up or down to highlight an application. Continue pressing the NavDisc in the same direction and the wheel spins in that direction to display the next three applications.
TIP To select an application from the menu wheel without scroll- ing through the menu, press the first letter of the applica- tion’s name. The menu wheel spins to the first application beginning with the selected letter. These are called shortcuts. Shortcuts also work on menu lists such as your Message Area container list.
If more than one application or more than one list entry starts with the same letter, the shortcut takes you to the first occurrence of the letter. Press the letter again and the shortcut takes you to the next occurrence of the letter.
The Home screen also provides at a glance the basic status of your PageWriter 2000X
Date and Time — Always displays the date and time for your convenience; select the Set Time application from the menu wheel to change the date or time; select the Customize application from the menu wheel to change the format for the date or time.
Alert Mode — Displays the current alert mode. Alert modes override or enhance the assigned alert types. For more information, see “Assigning Alert Modes” on page 25. To set specific alerts, see “Assigning Alert Types” on page 26.
Loud — Enables all audible alerts to the loud volume.
Soft — Enables all audible alerts to the soft volume.
Vibrate — Enables all alerts to vibrate without changing the individual alert settings.
Silent — Disables the alerts without changing the set- tings. Select Loud or Soft to enable the alert settings at the preferred volume.
Battery Gauge — Displays a
Full — Approximately at full charge.
2/3 — Approximately at
How Your PageWriter 2000X Pager Works 7