Driving Safety Tips
Your phone can perform many other functions
besides allowing y ou to make and re ceive calls.
Do not let these features dis tr ac t yo u f rom
driving. Use them only whe n it is safe to do so.
Use your wireless phone to call for help. Dial
9-1-1 or other local emergency number in the
case of fire, traffic accide nt or medical
Use your wireless phone to help others in
emergencies. If you see an auto accident, crime
in progress or othe r serious emergenc y where
lives are in danger, call 9-1-1 or other local
emergency number, as you wo uld want others to
do for you.
Call roadside assistance or a special
non-emergency wirele ss assistance number
when necessary. If you see a broken-down
vehicle posing no serious hazard, a broken
traffic signal, a mi nor traffic accident where no
one appears injured, o r a v eh ic le yo u kn ow t o be
stolen, call roadside assistance or other special
non-emergency wireless number.