Enhancing GPS Performance
To improve accurac y and increase your chanc es of
a successful calc ulation, do the follo wing while
your phone is determining your approximate
Stay in the open . The GPS feature works best
where there is nothing betwee n your phone and
a large amount of open s k y. If possible, go
outside, away from tal l buildings and foli age.
While performance in a build in g is imp r ov ed by
moving closer to wi nd ows , gl ass w ith c ert a in sun
shielding films may block satellite signals.
Extend your phone antenn a.
Hold your phone to enhance r ec ep ti on. Signals
from GPS satellites are transmi tted to your GPS
antenna, which is in your ph one antenna. Hold
your phone away from your bo dy, giving the
antenna clear acces s to satellite sign als. Do not
cover the antenna area with your fing ers or
anything else.
GPS antenna