Recent Calls
If you receive My Info fr om the same phone more
than once, only the most re cently sent version
appears in the recent calls list.
Contact Information From Other Phones
The recent calls list store s co ntac t inf orm at ion se nt
from other phones. Thi s information comes from
the other phone’s Contacts list or recent calls list.
This icon d appears with contact information on
the recent calls list.
Contact informat ion in the recent c alls list displays:
The name contained in the contact information
The Contacts type ico n associated with the
number or address contained in the co ntact
information. If the item contains more th an one
number or address stored, <> surrounds the
Contacts type icon.
The name or Private ID of the person who sent the
contact information appears as a separate it em on
the recent calls list, above the info rmation sent. If
one person sends you more than one item of
contact information, all the items appear below the
person’s name or Private ID.
When you select cont ac t inf ormation to view its
details, you see the name or Private ID of the
person who sent the information and all the
information in the item.
If you receive contact i nformation with the same
name from the same phone mor e than once, only
the most recently sent version appears in the
recent calls list.
Viewing the Recent Calls List
1From the idle scree n, press the navig ation key
as if scrolling dow n. -or-
From the main menu, sele ct Recent Calls.
2Scroll through the list.
To view the details of an i tem on the list:
From the recent calls list, select the item you
want information on.
Tip:To view the details of more items, keep

Choosing Picture View or List View

You can set your phone to show the p icture
associated with each item as you view the recent
calls list or show the list without pictures.
1From the recent calls list, press m.