Digital Rights Managemen t
Digital Rights Management
When you download multimedia content available
online, such as audio, im ag es , or Ja va
applications, these items may be subject to DRM
restrictions. DRM, or digital rights management, is
a system that defines how c opyrighted multimedia
content can be distributed and used.
DRM sets items to time-based or count-based
usage settings. Time-based settings let you use
the given item for a specified interval. Examples of
time-based settings in clude permission to use an
item for a specified number of days from the date
of purchase, a sp ecified number of da ys from the
date that the item is fir s t used, or a specified
number of minutes. Cou nt -based settings let you
use an item for a specified number of times after
you download it or for unlimited use.

Installing Items

Except for DRM Java applications, DRM items will
automatically install once they have finished
To install DRM Java applications, see “Installing
Applications” on page 87.
To send the DRM installation to the background,
press e.

Understanding DRM Status


Depending on how a given third-party vendor has
set rights for an item, the item may include the
following status icons:
All DRM items are forward locked. As with other
items in media cen ter, you can lock DR M items.
See “Locking Items” on page 72.

Sharing Items

Note:These features may not be offered by
your service provi der.
You can gift a DRM i te m t o a f r ie nd’s ph on e. Gif tin g
is when you purchase a copy of a DRM item and
send it to someone. If you do not want to gift an
item, you can se nd a message to a fr iend’s phone
cThe item is a DRM item.
eThe DRM item has expired.