Using and programming the remote
Infrared emitter
When a button on the remote is pressed, the infrared signal is sent to an IR receiver. The receiver then transmits the signal to the IR emitter (IR blaster), which sends commands to electronic components.
For the IR emitter to send its signals to the media center, it must have a clear view of the infrared receiver on the front panel of the media center. To see the receiver, shine a flashlight at the media center front panel, to the right of the clock (see figure 40). Refer to the documen- tation provided by the manufacturer of the IR emitter for proper instal- lation and orientation.
The infrared frequency used for IR signals between the remote and media center is 38 KHz.
| IR receiver |
| 10:35 | OK |
Figure 40: Infrared receiver on the media center front panel
The next steps
•Get the codes. See Moxi remote programming codes on page 77.
•Do you have a specific question? Use the Glossary on page 93 and Index on page 97 to find the answer.
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