Chapter 4 Register Map and Descriptions
National Instruments Corporation 4-7 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
thereby initiating a data acquisition
operation. If DAQEN is cleared,
software and hardware triggers have no
7 SCANEN Scan Enab le —T hi s b it co nt ro ls
multiple-channel scanning during data
acquisition. If SCANEN is set and
DAQEN is also set, alternate analog
input channels are sampled during data
acquisition under control of the channel
configuration memory. If SCANEN is
cleared and DAQEN is set, a single
analog input channel is sampled during
the entire data acquisition operation.
When SCANEN is set, the SCANCLK
signal at the I/O connector is enabled.
Otherwise, it is disabled.
6 SCN2 Scan Mode 2—This bit selects the data
acquisition scanning mode used when
scanning multiple A/D channels. If
SCN2 is set and SCANEN and DAQEN
are set, interval-channel scanning is
used. In this mode, scan sequences occur
during a programmed time interval,
called a scan interval. One cycle of the
scan sequence occurs during each scan
interval. If SCN2 is cleared and
SCANEN and DAQEN are set,
continuous channel scanning is used. In
this mode, scan sequences are repeated
with no delays between cycles.
5 CNT32/16* 32 or 16 * B it Sam ple Co unt—T his b it
selects the count resolution for the
number of A/D conversions to be
performed in a data acquisition
operation. If CNT32/16* is cleared, a
16-bit count mode is selected and
Counter 4 of the Am9513A
Counter/Timer controls conversion
counting. If CNT32/16* is set, a 32-bit
count mode is selected and Counter 4 is