AT-MIO-16X User Manual G-10
National Instruments Corporation
Some common example of floating signal sources are ba tterie s,
transformers, or thermocouples.
flyby a type of high-performance data transfer in which the data byte s pass
directly from the source to the target without being transferred to the
FSR full-scale range
ft feet
gain the factor by which a signal is amplified, sometimes expressed in
gain accuracy a measure of deviation of the gain of an amplifier from the ideal gain
GATE input pin a counter input pin that contro ls when counting oc curs in your
GPIB General Purpose Interface bus, synonymous with HP-IB. The standard
bus used for controlling electronic instruments with a computer. Also
called IEEE 488 bus because it is defined by ANSI/IEEE Standa rds
488-1978, 488.1-1987, and 488.2-1987.
grms level of random vibration
grounded measurement See referenced single-ended measurement system.
h hour
half-flash ADC an ADC that determines its output code by digitally combining
the results of two sequentially performed, lower-resolution flash
half-power bandwidth the frequency range over which a circuit maintains a leve l of at leas t
–3 dB with respect to the maximum level