Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation
AT-MIO-16X User Manual 2-8
National Instruments Corporation
While reading the following paragraphs, you may find it helpful to refer
to the Analog Input Signal Connections section later in this chapter,
which contains diagrams showing the signal paths for the three
DIFF Input (Eight Channels)
DIFF input means that each input signal has its own reference, and the
difference between each signal and its referen ce is measured. The signal
and its reference are assigned an input channel. This is the
recommended configuration. With this input configuration, the
AT-MIO-16X can monitor up to eight different analog input signals.
This configuration is selected via software. See the config ura tion
memory register and Table 4-9 in Chapter 4, Register Ma p a nd
Descriptions. The results of this configuration are as follows:
One of Channels 0 thro ugh 7 is tie d to the p ositive (+ ) inpu t of
the PGIA.
One of Channels 8 thro ugh 15 is tied to the neg ative (–) inp ut o f
the PGIA.
Multiplexer control is configured to control up to eight input
AI SENSE may be dr iven by the board analog input ground or left
Considerations for using the DIFF input configuration are discussed in
the Signal Connections section later in this chapter. Figure 2-8 shows a
schematic diagram of this configuration.
Table 2-3. Available Input Configurations for the AT-MIO-16X
Configuration Description
DIFF Differential configurationnput of the PGIA tied to
the multiplexer output of Channels 8 through 15.
RSE Referenced single-ended configurationve (–) input
of the PGIA referenced to analog ground.
NRSE Nonreferenced single-ended configurationative (–)
input of the PGIA tied to AI SENSE and not
connected to ground.