AT-MIO-16X User Manual G-24
National Instruments Corporation
thermistor a semiconducto r sensor that exhibits a re peatable c hange in electri cal
resistance as a function of temperature. Most thermistors exhibit a
negative temperature coefficient.
thermocouple a tempera ture sens or create d by joining two dissimilar me tals. The
junction produces a small voltage as a function of the temperature.
throughput rate the data, measured in bytes/s, for a given co ntinuou s o pera tion,
calculated to include software overhead. Throughput Rate = Transfer
Rate Software Overhead Factor.
top-level VI VI at the top of the VI hierarchy. This term is used to distinguish the VI
from its subVIs.
transducer See sensor
transducer excitation a type of signal conditioning that uses external voltages and currents to
excite the circuitry of a signal conditioning system into measuring
physical phenomena
transfer rate the rate, measured in bytes/s, at which data is moved from source to
destination after software initialization and set up operations; the
maximum rate at which the hardware can operate
trigger any event that causes or starts some form of data capture
TTL transistor-transistor logic
UUART universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter—an integrated circuit that
converts parallel data to serial data (and vice versa), commonly used as
a computer bus to serial device interface for serial communication
UI update interval
unipolar a signal range that is always positive (for example, 0 to +10 V)
update the ou tput equivalent of a sc an. One or mo re analog or digita l output
samples. Typically, the number of output samples in an update is equal
to the number of channels in the output group. For examp le, on e p ulse
from the update clock produces one update which sends one new sample
to every analog output channel in the group.