Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation
AT-MIO-16X User Manual 2-44
National Instruments Corporation
The CB-50 is useful for prototyping an application or in s ituations
where AT-MIO-16X interconnections are fr eq ue ntl y cha ng ed . Whe n
you develop a final field wiring scheme, however, you ma y want to
develop your own cable. This section contains information and
guidelines for designing custom cables.
In making your own cabling, you may decide to shield yo ur c ab les.
The following guidelines may help:
• For the analog input signals, shielded twisted-pair wires for ea ch
analog input pair yield the best re su lt s, a ssu m ing th at diff er en tia l
inputs are used. Tie the shield for each signal pair to the ground
reference at the source.
• The analog lines, pins 1 through 23, should be routed separa tely
from the digital lines, pins 24 through 50.
• When using a cable shield, use se para te shields f or the a nalog a nd
digital halves of the cable. Failure to do so results in noise from
switching digital signals coupling into the analog signals.
Cabling Considerations for the AT-MIO-16X with 68-Pin I/O ConnectorNational Instruments has a 68-pin mating connector and shell kit you
can use with the AT-MIO-16X board. In making your ow n cabling, you
may decide to shield your cables. The following guidelines may help:
• For the analog input signals, shielded twisted-pair wires for ea ch
analog input pair yield the best re su lt s, a ssu m ing th at diff er en tia l
inputs are used. Tie the shield for each signal pair to the ground
reference at the source.
• If you use a non-sh ielde d cable such a s a ribbo n cable :
– Route the analog lines separately from the digital lines.
– When using a cable shiled, use separate shields for the analog
and digital halves of the cable. Failure to do so results in noise
from switching digital signals coupling into the analog signals.