National Instruments Corporation I-21 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
TMRREQ Clear Register
clearing analog output circuitry, 5-32
description, 4-54
DMA operations, 5-41
interrupt programming, 5-43
programming DMA operations, 5-41
servicing update requests, 5-35 to 5-36
TMRREQ signal
DAC waveform timing circuitry, 3-20
interrupt programming, 5-43
servicing update requests, 5-35 to 5-36
TMRTRIG* signal
controlled by A4RCV bit, 4-9
programming analog output
circuitry, 5-25
RTSI switch, 3-30
servicing update requests, 5-35
trigger, applying, 5-21
two's complement mode A/D conversion
values (table), 4-34
Uunipolar input, 2-10
unipolar mode, analog output voltage versus
digital code (table), 4-42
unipolar output, 2-12
unpacking AT-MIO-16X, 1-7
update counter, selecting, 5-32
update-interval counter, programming,
5-32 to 5-33
VVirtualBench software, 1-5
voltage reference calibration, 6-8 to 6-9
Wwaveform generation programming. See also
DAC waveform circuitry and timing.
clearing analog output circuitry, 5-32
cyclic waveform generation, 5-26 to 5-27
programmed cycle waveform generation,
5-28 to 5-30
pulsed cyclic waveform generation,
5-30 to 5-32
selecting internal update counter, 5-32
update-interval counter, 5-32 to 5-33
waveform cycle counter, 5-34
waveform cycle interval counter,
5-34 to 5-36
servicing update requests,
5-35 to 5-36
wiring considerations, 2-42 to 2-43