Chapter 5 Programming
AT-MIO-16X User Manual 5-26
National Instruments Corporation
Cyclic Waveform GenerationThe simplest mode of waveform generation is the cyclic mode in which
an internal or external timing signal is used to update the DACs. In this
case, DAC updating begins when the timing signal starts, and ends
when the timing signal is removed. A special case of this mode occurs
when the buffer fits entirely within the DAC FIFO where it is cycled
through. If this is true, and the CYCLICSTOP bit in Command
Register 4 is set, DAC updating stops at the next end of buffer. Th is
provides a known final value for the DACs.
To update the analog output DACs in cyclic waveform gene ratio n
mode, the following sequence of programming steps in Figure 5-7 must
be followed. The instructions in the blocks of the following flow chart
are enumerated in the Waveform Generation Programming Functions
section later in this chapter.