National Instruments Corporation G-11 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
handle pointer to a pointer to a bloc k of memory; handles reference arrays and
strings. An array of strings is a handle to a block of memory containing
handles to strings.
handler a device driver that is installed as part of the operating system of the
handshaked digital I/O a type of digital acqu isition/generation where a device or module
accepts or transfers data after a digital pulse has been received. Also
called latched digital I/O.
hardware the physical components of a computer system, such as the circuit
boards, plug-in boards, chassis, enclosures, peripherals, cables, and
so on
hardware triggering a form of triggering where you set the start time of an acquisition and
gather data at a known position in time relative to a trigger signal
HCT high-speed CMOS TTL
hex hexadecimal
Hz hertz—the number of scans read or updates written per second
IIBM International Business Machines
IC integrated circuit
ID identification
IDE integrated development environment
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE 488 the shortened notation for ANSI/IEEE Standards 488-1978,
488.1-1987, and 488.2-1987. See also GPIB.
IMD intermodulation distortion—the ratio, in dB, of the total rms signal level
of harmonic sum and difference distortion products, to the overal l rm s
signal level. The test signal is two sine waves added together according
to the following standards:
SMPTE—A 60 Hz sine wave and a 7 kHz