Appendix A Specifications
National Instruments Corporation A -3 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Long-term stability.......................15 ppm
(75 µV/ )
Explanation of Analog Input SpecificationsLinear ErrorsPregain offset error is the amount of possible voltage offset error in the
circuitry before the gain stage. Its co ntribu ti o n to t ota l of fset erro r i s
multiplied by the gain.
Postgain offset error is the amount of possible voltage offset error in the
circuitry following the gain stage. Its contribution to total offset error is
not multiplied by the gain. The total offset error is the postgain offset
error plus the gain times the pregain offset error.
Gain error is the amount of possible deviation from ideal gain,
expressed as a proportion of the gain.
The total linear measurement error for a given input voltage takes into
account all gain and offset errors but does not include any nonlinear
errors (such as relative accuracy). It is the sum of the gain error times
the input voltage, the gain times the pregain offset error, and the
postgain offset error.
Tables A-1 and A-2 list equivalent offset and gain errors for 16-bit
ADC systems and may be useful for comparing systems. Th ey al so
apply to 16-bit DAC systems.
Table A-1. Equivalent Offset Errors in 16-Bit Systems
Range LSB Voltage % of FSR
0 to 10 V 1 152.6 µV 0.001526%
–10 to 10 V 1 305.2 µV 0.001526%
1000 h,
1 000 h,