National Instruments Corporation G-13 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
interrupt level the relative priority at which a device can interrupt
interval scanning scanning method where there is a longer interval between scans than
there is between individual channels comprising a scan
I/O input/output—the transfer o f data to/from a computer system involving
communications channels, operator interface devices, and/or da ta
acquisition and control interfaces
IOH current, output high
IOL current, output low
IRQ interrupt request
ISA industry standard architecture
isolation a type of signal conditioning in which you isolate the transducer signals
from the computer for safety purposes. This protects you and you r
computer from large voltage spikes and makes sure the measurements
from the DAQ device are not affected by differences in ground
isolation voltage the vo ltage that an isolated circu it can normally withstand, usua lly
specified from input to input and/or from any input to the amplifier
output, or to the computer bus
isothermal constructed to maintain constant temperature across area. Isothermal
construction of terminal blocks increases thermocouple measurement
Kk kilo—the standard metric prefix for 1,000, or 103, used with units of
measure such as volts, hertz, and meters
K kilo—the prefix for 1,024, or 210, used with B in quantifying data or
computer memory
kbytes/s a unit for data transfer that means 1,000 o r 103 bytes/s
kS 1,000 samples
Kword 1,024 words of memory