Chapter 1 Introduction
National Instruments Corporation 1-7 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
Optional Equipment
National Instruments offers a variety of products to use with your
AT-MIO-16X board, including cables, connector blocks, and other
accessories, as follows:
Cables and cable assemblies, shielded and ribbon
Connector blocks, shield ed a nd uns hielded 50 and 68- pin screw
Real Time System Integration (RTSI) bus cables
SCXI modules and accessories for isolating, amplifying, exciting,
and multiplexing signals for relays and analog output. With SCXI
you can condition and acquire up to 3,072 channels.
Low channel count signal c onditio ning mo dules , bo ar ds, and
accessories, including conditioning for strain gauges and RTDs,
simultaneous sample and hold, and relays
For more specific information about these products, refer to your
National Instruments catalogue or call the office nearest you.
Your AT-MIO-16X board is shipped in an antistatic package to prevent
electrostatic damage to the board. Electrostatic discharge can damage
several components on the board. To a void such da mage in hand ling the
board, take the following precautions:
Ground yourself via a ground ing strap or by holding a gro unded
Touch the antistatic package to a metal part of your computer
chassis before removing the board from the package.
Remove the board from the package and inspect the board for loose
components or any other sign of damage. Notif y Nationa l
Instruments if the board appears damaged in any way. Do not
install a damaged board into your computer.
Never touch the exposed pins of connectors.