National Instruments Corporation G-25 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
update rate the number of output updates per second
VV volts
VDC volts direct current
VDMAD virtual DMA driver
VI virtual instrument—(1) a combination of hardwa re a nd/or so ftwar e
elements, typically used with a PC, that has the functionality of a classic
stand-alone instrument (2) a LabVIEW software module (VI), whi ch
consists of a front panel user interface and a block diagram program
VIH volts, input high
VIL volts, input low
Vin volts in
VISA a new driver software architecture developed by National Instruments
to unify instrumentation softwareGPIB, DAQ, and VXI. It has been
accepted as a standard for VXI by the VXIplug&play Systems Alliance.
visual basic custom a specific form of binary packaged object that can be created by
control (VBXs) different companies and integrated into applications written using
Visual Basic
VOH volts, output high
VOL volts, output low
VPICD virtual programmable interrupt controller device
Vref reference voltage
Vrms volts, root mean square
Wwaveform multiple voltage readings taken at a specific sampling rate
wire data path between nodes