AT-MIO-16X User Manual I-14
National Instruments Corporation
data acquisition rates, 3-15
interval scanning, 3-14
posttrigger data acquisition timing, 3-13
multiple-channel scanning acquisition rates
specifications, A-5 to A-6
typical settling times (table), A-5
multiplexer, input. See input multiplexer.
NNI-DAQ driver software, 1-5 to 1-6
environmental, avoiding, 2-42 to 2-43
system noise, A-4
nonlinear errors, A-4
differential nonlinearity, A-4
relative accuracy, A-4
NRSE (nonreferenced single-ended input)
description (table), 2-8
differential connections, 2-24 to 2-26
recommended configuration (table), 2-22
single-ended connections (NRSE
configuration), 2-28
Ooffset error, analog output circuitry, A-7
operating environment specifications, A-9
operation of AT-MIO-16X. See theory of
optional equipment, 1-7
OUT, GATE, and SOURCE timing signals
counter signal connections, 2-37 to 2-42
RTSI bus interface circuitry, 3-30
timing I/O circuitry, 3-27 to 3-29
OUT<5..1> bits, 4-67
OUT1 signal
description (table), 2-18, B-6
selecting internal update counter, 5-32
OUT2 signal
description (table), 2-18, B-6
RTSI switch signal connections
(table), 5-38
selecting internal update counter, 5-32
OUT3 signal, 5-32
OUT5 signal
description (table), 2-19, B-6
RTSI switch signal connections
(table), 5-38
selecting internal update counter, 5-32
OUTEN bit, 5-40
output polarity selection, 2-12
ADC FIFO overflow condition, 5-7
description, 4-27
servicing data acquisition operation, 5-22
ADC overrun condition, 5-7
description, 4-27
servicing data acquisition operation, 5-22
PPC I/O channel interface circuitry
block diagram, 3-3
theory of operation, 3-2 to 3-5
PGIA (programmable gain instrumentation
analog input circuitry, 3-7
common-mode signal rejection, 2-29
controlling with CH_GAIN<2..0> bit,
4-37 to 4-38
differential connections
floating signal sources, 2-24 to 2-26
ground-referenced signal
sources, 2-23
single-ended connections
floating signal sources (figure), 2-27
grounded signal sources
(figure), 2-28