National Instruments Corporation G-15 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
MB megabyte s o f memo ry
MBLT eight-byte block transfers in whic h both the Add ress b us and the Data
bus are used to transfer data
Mbytes/s a unit for data transfer that means 1 million or 106 bytes/s
memory buffer See buffer.
MFLOPS million floating-point operations per second—the unit for expressing
the computational power of a processor
MIO multifunction I/O
MIPS million instructions per second—the unit for expressing the speed of
processor machine code instructions
MITE MXI I nterfa ces to E ve rythin g is a custom AS IC de signe d by N ation al
Instruments that implements the PCI bus interface. T he MI TE su ppo r ts
bus mastering for high speed data transfers over the PCI bus.
MS million samples
MSB most significant b it
MTBF mean time between failure
multiplexed mode an SCXI operating mode in which analog input channels are
multiplexed into one module output so that your cabled DAQ device has
access to the module’s multiplexed output as well as the outputs on all
other multiplexed modules in the chassis through the SCXI bus. Also
called serial mode.
mux multiplexer—a switching device with multiple inputs that sequentially
connects each of its inputs to its output, typically at high speeds, in
order to measure several signals with a single analog input channel
NNB NuBus—a slot-dependent, 32-bit bus type used in Macintosh compute rs
that has 32 interrupts and doesn’t use DMA
NC normally closed, or not conn ec ted
NI-DAQ NI driver software for DAQ hardware