Chapter 4 Register Map and Descriptions
AT-MIO-16X User Manual 4-42
National Instruments Corporation
The formula for the voltage output versus digital code for a bipolar
analog output configuration in two’s complement form is as follows:
Vout = Vref * (digital code)
where Vref is the positive reference voltage applied to the analog output
channel. The digital code in the preceding formula is a decimal value
ranging from –32,768 to +32,767.
Table 4-10. Analog Output Voltage Versus Dig ital Code (Unipolar Mode)
Digital Code Voltage Output
Decimal Hex Vref = 10 V
0 0000 0.0 V
10001 152.6 µV
16,384 4000 2.5 V
32,768 8000 5.0 V
49,152 C000 7.5 V
65,535 FFFF 9.999847 V
Table 4-11. Analog Output Voltage Versus Digit al Code (Bipolar Mode)
Digital Code Voltage Output
Decimal Hex Reference = 10 V
–32,768 8000 –10.0 V
–32,767 8001 –9.999695 V
–16,384 C000 –5.0 V
–1 FFFF –305.2 µV
0 0000 0.0 V
10001 305.2 µV