Chapter 3 Theory of Operation
National Instruments Corporation 3-23 AT-MIO-16X User Manual
FIFO Programmed Cyclic Waveform GenerationOne step beyond the continuous waveform generation is the
programmed cyclic waveform generation. This mode is also available
only when the entire buffer fits within the DAC FIFO. Figure3-14
shows the operation of this mode.
Figure 3-14. FIFO Programmed Cyclic Waveform Timing
In this case, one of the counters in the Am9513A Counte r/Time r is
programmed to count the number of DAC FIFO Retransmit signals.
When the counter counts the appropriate number of occurrences, it
terminates the waveform sequence. A bit is available in Status Register
1 to indicate termination of a waveform sequence.
FIFO Pulsed Waveform GenerationAnother step beyond cycle counting is pulsed waveform ge nera tion.
Again, this mode is applicable only if the entire buffer fits within the
DAC FIFO. Figure 3-15 shows the operation of this mode and the
resulting waveform.
Figure 3-15. FIFO Pulsed Waveform Generation Timing
COUNTER 1, 2, or 5
21 2 1 2 12CTR 1
CTR 2 Terminal Count
CTR 1 Output